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As there are thousands of links in our genealogy pages, and we are constantly updating them, sometimes one will get lost or get linked incorrectly. If you find any LINKS that are incorrect you can help us out by filling out the form below. Do not use this form because the name you are looking for is not in our database. If you have family information, that is missing from our database and you would like to share it with us, send it via email to: loudo@doucetfamily.org.
Enter The Family Number The Error Occurred IN (Example: G10-45E-A45-F53): *
What Link Is Bad: *
Enter The Name of The Child Or Parent Link The Is Incorrect Or Bad (Example: Willis Doucet): *
Explain What Happened When You Clicked On This Link: *
Add Any Additional Comments:
If You Would Like Us To Notify You When We Have The Problem Resolved, Type Your email Address Below:
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