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The Standard Code of Accuracy

1. Get Proper Documentation.

   a. Use original documents and official records.

   b. Avoid hearsay evidence or evidence based on memory.

2. Be Thorough, but Reasonable.
   a. If two sources give conflicting evidence, search for supporting evidence.

   b. If size of family is "out of the norm" for time and place, continue search.

   c. Make a complete search of the immediate area (town, county) and the surrounding counties.

   d. Search parent counties.

   e. After a reasonable search of surrounding areas, conclude that record is complete and accurate. Note this fact in the record.


3. Be Consistent and Logical.
   a. If an inconsistency shows up, note the correction after verification.

   b. Check dates:

      (1) Children born before marriage.

      (2) Children born less than nine months apart.

      (3) Children born after normal child bearing age.

      (4) Children born after death of father.

      (5) Large gaps of time between births of children.

 4. Proofread for Accuracy.   
   a. Proofread everything. Don't accept the information as being correctly transcribed just because you transcribed it.

   b. Compare handwritten copies with the actual document.