Our Acadian Heritage

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Additional Reading

Arsenault, Bona. Historie des Acadiens. Le Conseil de la vie francaise en Amerique, Quebec 1966.

Axtell, James I. The Invasion Within: The Contest of Cultures in Colonial North America. Oxford University Press, New York 1965.

Bolton, Herbert E. and Thomas M. Marshall. The Colonization of North America, 1492 - 1783. The MacMillan Co., New York 1927.

Bradley, A.G. The Fight with France for North America. The Musson Book Co, Ltd, Toronto 1908.

Brebner, John Bartlett. New England's Outpost: Acadia Before the Conquest of Canada. Columbia University Press, New York 1927.

Clark, Andrew Hill. Acadia, The Geography of Early Nova Scotia to 1760. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 1968.

Denys, Nicholas. The Description and Natural History of the Coasts of North America. Greenwood Press, New York 1968 (reprint).

Edmonds, Walter D. The Musket and the Cross, The Struggle of France and England in North America. Little, Brown & Co, Boston 1968.

Giffen, Kirk S. French Neutrals to Massachusetts. Boston 1972.

Griffiths, Naomi. The Acadians: Creation of a People. McGray-Hill Ryerson Ltd, Toronto 1973.

Holbrook, Sabra. The French Founders of North America and Their Heritage. Athenum, New York 1976.

Mahaffie, Charles D. Jr. A Land of Discord Always, Acadia from Its Beginnings to the Expulsion of Its People, 1604 - 1755. Down East Books, Camden, Maine 1995.

Moody, Barry. The Acadians. Focus on Canada History Series, Grollier Ltd, Toronto 1981.

Parkman, Francis. The Acadian Tragedy. Canadian House, Toronto 1968 (reprint).

Rushton, William Faulkner. The Cajuns, From Acadia to Louisiana. Farrar Straus Ciraux, New York 1979.

Wade, Mason. The French Canadians. MacMillan of Canada, Toronto 1968.

Winzerling, Oscar W. Acadian Odyssey. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge 1955.

"List of Acadians Imprisoned by Colonel Winslow at Grand Pre." Attakapas Gazette, Vol 13.

"Settlement of Acadia: A report on the founding of Acadia as it appeared in Le Merecure Francois, 1608." Attakapas Gazette, Vol 25.